Sunday, 10 June 2012

CD24 & 4DPO Update????

Right now I'm so confused with my body, have I ovulated or not? FF is saying that I'm 4dpo which is great, but I am slightly suspicious. Let's go back a bit. I went in for a follicular scan on Wednesday just gone(cd20) and I had one dominant follicle on my right side that had grown to 20mm, so a real good size. The scan before showed a 7mm follicle on cd11. I took my trigger shot with me just in case I had a good size egg that had ovulated yet.

While I was in Dubai I took OPK tests everyday hoping it would be positive, but nope, just kept getting negatives. So I was hoping that when I went in on Wednesday I would have a good size egg and they would trigger me there and then, but no, my body threw me a curve ball. On Wednesday morning before going in to the hospital, I got a positive OPK, so the nurse decided I did not need to get triggered since my follicle was 20mm. She told me that ovulation was happening, so there was no need to.

The next morning I got quite a high temp and also another positive OPK, followed by another hight temp the next day, so FF put my ovulation day on Wednesday, but I actually think I would have ovulated on Thursday (cd21).

I need to go back this coming Wednesday for a progesterone test to see if I did ovulate, but here is where I'm a bit confused. Usually within 2 days of ovulating, I get very sore and tender breasts as a result of the progesterone in my system. So far, my boobs still feel normal, which isnt normal. FF says I'm 4dpo, but I think I'm 3dpo. My temps have stayed high, but no breast tenderness, Im worried that maybe I dont have a enough progesterone this cycle, or maybe I didnt even ovulate. Not really sure whats going on, I guess I will have a clearer picture when I get the progesterone reults.

Generally, im not too stressed this 2ww, im not really thinking about, it's just somewhere in the back of my mind, not always on my mind like last cycle.

So thats it.

I will upload some pics of my Dubai trip for you guys to see, I really had a great time, and did not realise how much I needed a break until I actually had a break. I definately recommend it.


  1. There are a lot of factors which influence which day FF chooses as your ovulation date and it can change as your luteal phase progresses depending on the temps you put in and subsequent information. Have you got a link to your FF chart? Might be able to have a look and work out what's what.

    The day difference shouln't present a huge problem when it comes to your progesterone levels as it is all about the cut off point. So long as you are above it (which you should be) there won't be a problem.

    One thing to remember about your symptoms, compared with last cycle, you've only got one follicle ruptured so the effects of progesterone are possibly likely to be less profound because your levels won't be as high. That doesn't mean they are bad...they just aren't going to be double. :-)

  2. i only had the one follie too hun and my progesterone is still low in preg so having to take suppliments just take each day as it comes sending lots of baby dust xx
